Voting season got your panties in a bunch? Never fear, The Westwood Enabler is here. Here are our top tips to make sure your vote matters.
Make sure you were registered to vote by Monday.
If your grandfather could vote, so can you, but also if your grandfather couldn’t vote.
Make sure you get off r/SandersForPresident and actually vote.
Write your party affiliation on a seashell and hold it up to your ear to hear a list of polling places in your area.
All employees must wash their hands with soap and water before voting.
Your employers are required to give you two hours off to vote. However, as June 7 is a Tuesday, we suggest using this time to drop by Rubio’s for their half-price fish taco deal during lunch instead. If you have time left after that then yeah sure, vote, whatever.
Call your dad and ask who you should vote for.
Begin training a fox to deliver your absentee ballot. If you live overseas, teach it to swim.
High five your local VotemasterⓇ to ensure your vote gets counted.
If you’re able to figure out how to make America great again, you get to vote twice.
Remember, if you don’t get an “I voted” sticker your vote doesn’t count.
Laugh, because you apparently think your vote makes a difference.