Have you googled “easy halloween costume ideas” for the tenth time today? Are you considering staying home just to avoid coming up with a “cool” costume? Then this is the guide for you!
- Steer clear of shitty ghost costumes that bear a resemblance to certain white nationalist apparel.
- Pick your favorite minor character from a TV show no one cares about anymore.
- Dress up as an anime character so no one will invite you out. You’ll have the night free to do whatever you want!
- Be everything without being anything. Dress up in random attire and when someone asks you what you are, tell them to guess and affirm whatever they say.
- Thing 1. Or Thing 2. Isn’t the freedom to choose exciting?
- If your dad thinks its funny—CHANGE.
- Pick something cool so that no one judges you.
- Pick something that can easily be transitioned into everyday wear, in case anyone judges you.
- Think about which culture has been underrepresented in the media lately. Then appropriate it.
- Wear whatever your roommate wore last year.