WESTWOOD— First year student Steven Bork recently received the results for his first Physics midterm. Bork recalled “fighting back tears” and feeling as though he was “hit by a semi truck” during the test, so he was pleasantly surprised when he received a B. Bork reviewed his graded exam only to discover he actually got 20 out of the total 100 points. “I’m a little unclear on how 20% curved to a B but I am not a stats major so who am I to question it?” said Bork. Several of Bork’s classmates were equally confused about how the curve was calculated. “I literally got a 94% percent and somehow also got a B,” said Becky Williams, member of the Golden Key International Honour Society. Bork revealed that he is excited for the remainder of his educational career knowing that he will not be “defined by percentages.” Williams disagreed, stating that she is “literally dropping out of this school.”