WASHINGTON, DC—Claiming vast overreaches in executive power, Republican leaders came out in criticism of president Obama today after his delivering of an unapproved State of the Union address. “We have tried to work with the president on this time and time again, but sadly he refused all our suggestions,” said speaker John Boehner, referring to stipulations that would have required the president to repeat the phrase “I did Benghazi” at various moments and read off a list of criminals with hispanic-sounding last names. “Although at many points over the course of the speech we tried to interject and give our take on his policies, not once did he allow us to. If this senseless partisanship on the part of the president is to continue, we may be forced to take more drastic measures.” The speech marks the first State Of The Union for the president under a Republican-controlled congress as well as the first to be delivered without their consent.