WESTWOOD – Recent reports from UCLA groundskeepers indicate that 6AM is the ideal time to leaf-blow the area outside of the dorms.
“It’s so quiet, you know? So peaceful,” Miguel Rodriguez, head groundskeeper for Sproul Court, informed the Enabler. “There are no students to get in the way because everyone’s still sleeping. You don’t have to worry about bothering anyone on their way to class.”
Assisting groundskeeper James Maker agreed.
“I don’t have to step aside for anyone. These SoCal weather changes seduce trees into dropping leaves everywhere all the time, so it’s nice to be able to get them out of the way of the students before they leave for class in the morning. It’s my greatest hope that they wake up and look outside the window and think, hey, how nice, a clean walkway to class this morning,” stated Maker.
“I’m sure the students just sleep right through it, if they even hear a thing,” Rodriguez said. “The leaf-blower makes such a quiet, subtle, and relaxing sound that I’m sure that if they somehow did wake up to the noise, it would be a pleasant awakening.”
A poll conducted amongst On-the-Hill maintenance staff revealed that 80% of maintenance staff preferred to get leaf-blowing and fire alarm checking out of the way as early as possible. Of those 80%, 76% felt it was simply the most ideal time. Student Amanda Ridgecrest agreed.
“I just love waking up to those sounds, you know? That rrrrrrrg and the eeeeeeek! just really get my day headed in the right direction,” Ridgecrest stated. In a poll conducted amongst students, an overwhelming 4% of students claimed to enjoy the sounds of leaf-blowing.
Rodriguez went on to say that “especially on Saturday mornings, it’s a great way to wake up the hungover students who may have slept through their alarms. It’s the least I could do to help such great students study to keep their spots at a great university like UCLA.
“Exactly, exactly,” agreed Maker. “And it leaves the rest of the day clear for other tasks like backing up trucks with loud beeping noises near exam rooms and other related chores.”