WESTWOOD — Tears could be heard after avid Nicki Minaj fan Barbz “Bang Bang” Bass kicked a delivery bot down Tongva steps only to realize that Starships were not meant to fly. “You think you know a person, then suddenly you learn they’ve been deceiving you for nearly a decade!” cried Bass, as they removed Nicki Minaj’s hit song “Starships” from their Spotify library. “The fact that the robot obeys the laws of gravity even when kicked down a flight of stairs shows that Nicki cannot be trusted. I just hope the lies end here.” Bang was later spotted frantically searching for anacondas to see if they wanted any buns.
About Robi Chatterjee
12 Articles
Robi Chatterjee writes stuff, but not bios. Writing bios is lame. Also it's pronounced "Row-B" not "Raw-B".