WESTWOOD — After an extensive series of application essays and interviews, numerous Facebook posts have confirmed that this year’s cohort of UCLA Tour Guides includes fourth-year Pediatric Aids Coalition student Morgan Hart. This marks Hart’s third campus affiliation, which now includes Greek Life, the Pediatric Aids Coalition, and Campus Tours.
Although Hart was nervous about the application process, noting that the Tours application demanded more of her than her initial application for admission to the university did, she expressed excitement for what membership in the new organization will add to her UCLA experience. “Joining Greek Life and the Pediatric Aids Coalition changed my life,” reflected Hart, “and now that I got into Tours, I’m bracing myself for my life to be changed again.”
In Tours, Hart will be joining four roommates from her 638 Landfair apartment, and one-third of the members from her Pediatric Aids Coalition Committee. “I can’t wait to get to know an entirely new batch of people at UCLA!”, exclaimed Hart, while scanning the already familiar list of new tour guide names posted to Facebook.
When asked what she sees next in store for herself at UCLA, Hart hinted that she was considering applying to Bruin Woods, “an organization whose mission is deeply aligned with [her] passions”.