The Westwood Enabler has chosen to endorse Jason Ergina of The After Party. Here are a few key reasons why:
- Supports longer waits at De Neve Crosswalk
In an effort to prioritize students over vehicles, Jason plans to lengthen the wait cars will have to endure at the De Neve Crosswalk. The Enabler likes this because none of us can drive.
- Anti-Anti-Semitic
While not overtly Anti-Anti-Semetic, Jason leans more towards the Pro side of the Anti-Anti-Semitism debate, rather than the controversial Anti-Anti- Anti-Semetic doctrine that has taken hold of some student groups in the recent past.
- Doesn’t resort to petty politics
Ergina has chosen not to engage in petty politics by not having any politics to begin with.
- Erginomics
Ergina won’t tell you what to do with your body, but his fiscal policy will make your body feel good.
- Pro Israel and Pro Palestine
With Ergina, everybody wins.
- Plans to Destroy USAC from within
Although experts at the Enabler fully expect USAC to destroy itself within 3-4 election cycles, Ergina has pledged to hasten this process. Our thoughts go out to the families of any USAC members who may try to stand in the way.
- Screw it, it doesn’t matter
Vote for him, don’t vote for him, like who the fuck even cares?