UCLA Students Excited To Return In-Person But Also Not

WESTWOOD — UCLA students expressed collective excitement this week about the return to in-person instruction, but also not. “Yeah, I’m stoked to go back,” said third-year Colin Smith, immediately after walking out of his first lecture two minutes in. “Except for the fact that I had to move back to campus from home. And I actually have to get out of bed every day to go to class. And I have to take my midterms in person. Wait, fuck.” At press time, Smith was seen repeatedly banging his head into a wall, racked with indecision about whether he should be complaining to administration or not.

About Kathryn Steenburgh 6 Articles
Kathryn Steenburgh is a second-year theater major. She is a big fan of Fall Out Boy, standup comedy, googling random locations she finds on Google maps, and other similarly embarrassing activities. When she's not writing for the Enabler, you can find her staring blankly into space.