Ears, bellybuttons, noses, nipples, and tongues. All places people of all genders and body types can get a piercing and slut the fuck out. However, a worrying trend has been sweeping the nation as of late. You know it, I’ve heard of it: the clit piercing. Unfortunately, those of us not blessed with a beautiful pussy-puss cannot participate in this trend.
Clitless ol’ me can’t go out with my queens and get matching bean piercings, like we did with our nipples that wild night in Cabo. What is a scrotum-laden fellow like me to do?
Well, if you’re anything like me, one answer immediately popped into mind: a balls piercing.
Also known as a “hafada piercing,” having multiple metal rods implanted into your nutsack is the only way to be able to join your girlies on that next bender. Sure, it may hurt like hell to sit for the next few days, there might be some leakage, and it could be a turn-off to some potential partners, but that’s part of the fun. Learn to live a little! Hell, if you want to get truly wild with it, you can even pierce up the shaft and make those bitches real jelly. So please, join me and hundreds of other visionaries, and get those balls pierced.