Still not sure what to be thankful for this Thanksgiving? Don’t worry! The good writers of the Westwood Enabler have you covered.
#1 – Our boys in blue
#2 – Our glorious leader President Donald Trump, who valiantly rescued three UCLA basketball players from the Chinese criminal justice system
#3 – When you walk in the shower and there isn’t even a single hair on the ground
#4 – Sitting next to someone in class without pneumonia
#5 – That one class where you’re not expected to talk to anyone because you have no friends in it
#6 – Charles Manson finally resting with the angels
#7 – Your roommate’s boyfriend who lives here now, I guess
#8 – That Yellowstone volcano that will kill us all
#9 – The two hours on Mondays my roommates are gone
#10 – Sticking your hand forearm deep in a turkey’s anus, as is tradition
#11 – Native American immune systems that were susceptible to smallpox which allowed this country to be settled by western Europeans
#12 – A shallow grave in the desert that hasn’t been discovered yet
#13 – Your friendly local satirical publication
#14 – Gene Block