Point: It’s Cute How We Keep Making Eye Contact!
By: Ashley Davis
Hey! I definitely keep noticing you looking over here in lecture, you’re not fooling anyone. You know what they say, I might have caught you staring, but you caught me looking back. I know you must be nervous, but that’s ok, just make up an excuse to talk to me. Sit next to me and ‘forget’ your pencil or ask for help on a clicker question. I mean, I think you’re cute and it’s adorable how you get a little red when I catch you looking at me, but you need to hurry up and ask me out already, I don’t have all quarter!
Counterpoint: Stop Looking At Me, You Fucking Creep
By: Ashley Davis
Hey! Why do I keep catching you looking over here in lecture? Every time I am just casually scanning the classroom, I always see you looking directly at me you fucking creep. Now I bet you’ll come up with some lame excuse to talk to me, like trying to sit next to me and asking for help on a clicker question, or trying to talk to me as I leave class. But, don’t even try, it’s just gonna hurt your case even more you freak. Honestly, this quarter needs to hurry up and be over because I’d like to go to class without having to deal with your weird gazing.