NEW YORK—In an unprecedented use of executive authority, Barack Obama has issued an order to be written into the immensely-popular HBO fantasy series Game of Thrones.
Entering HBO head offices Tuesday morning surrounded by a posse of Secret Service, the president reportedly demanded the addition of character “Lord Obam”, a charming well-spoken elected leader of House Blue, who must not only battle the newly-created “House Red”, but face allegations that he was not actually born in Westeros.
Show producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss were initially hesitant add Mr. Obama to their cast, noting that Season 4 of Game of Thrones has already been shot and edited. In spite of this, the president’s insistence, mainly his professing to be a “massive fan of the show” won them over. Said Benioff: “Certain parts of the series will have to be reshot, other parts we will have to digitally add him in post. We will have to cut some stuff, notably a scene involving a knight spouting off some exposition while receiving head in the back room of a whore house, but I don’t think our viewers will miss that too much.” He then muttered something under his breath that sounded like “I agreed dammit, call them off.”
A private citizen named George M., whose last name will not be revealed for his protection, has decried this use of executive authority. “I swear I’m going to write a scene with Lord Obam being horrendously murdered.” said George, drinking from a bottle labeled “Tears of Fans.”
Said Obama in a tweet this morning: “I can not wait to portray Lord Obam. I won’t spoil too much, but let’s just say that House Blue will host a wedding that House Red will never forget. BO”
In related news, Michelle Obama has announced a desire to play a queen that encourages children to eat their vegetables and is impeccably well dressed.❖
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