NEW YORK, NY— Following the massive success of the second season of “Euphoria,” A24 announced the release of a new line of drugs inspired by the show conveniently available for purchase in alleyway pop up shops. “These drugs will have you walking on walls and battling for your life amidst an overdose, just like in the show!” said A24 chairman Daniel Katz, who insisted on testing all the new merchandise himself. “Viewers can connect with their favorite characters with products like Cassie Coke, Fez Fentanyl, and Kat Ketamine. Our stores are staffed exclusively by children with face tattoos in order to replicate the “Euphoria” experience.” A24 also hinted that they are developing a “Euphoria” themed escape room, where guests must escape a life of addiction after trying heroin.
About Jade Lacy
46 Articles
Jade is an enigma, the shadow at the edge of your vision, the personification of night, and a fourth-year English major and Asian American Studies Minor. She enjoys creeping into your nightmares and creative writing.