Enormous Activities Fair Threatened By Prospect Of Humongous Activities Fair

WESTWOOD — UCLA students and organizations alike were alarmed to learn Tuesday of a number of fliers found around campus advertising a “Humongous Activities Fair.” “Yeah, I picked up a flier,” said Andrea Norris, a representative of UCLA’s (now puny by comparison) Enormous Activities Fair. “The EAF is enormous enough. Can we handle a humongous fair?” At press time, club members could be seen visibly shaken by reports of a potential Colossal Activity Fair.

About Kathryn Steenburgh 6 Articles
Kathryn Steenburgh is a second-year theater major. She is a big fan of Fall Out Boy, standup comedy, googling random locations she finds on Google maps, and other similarly embarrassing activities. When she's not writing for the Enabler, you can find her staring blankly into space.