WESTWOOD—Allegations of widespread discrimination favoring harder-working students in the University of California system arose Monday. “Not only are certain students more likely to get higher grades by putting greater effort into each assignment, but those same students also absorb more information than their motivationally-vacant peers,” claimed Steven McGavers, a former History 1B teaching assistant. “Students shouldn’t be punished just because they lack the discipline and attention span to handle a couple hours of schoolwork. It’s beyond me how a system that so greatly favors hard-working students so overtly can exist in 2016.” In response, many watchdog student groups have vowed to organize protests whenever they get around to it.
About Nathan Grovhoug
26 Articles
Nathan is an exquisite writer and talented author. His writing is good too. He raised horses on the Iberian peninsula for 14 years, until a fallen nun named Rosina stole his herd, and his heart. They tried to reconcile during a chance meeting in Rotterdam 7 years later, but their love had been cast away, just like waking memories of a bitter autumn.