COLLEGE PARK, GA — In a groundbreaking win for LGBT rights, Chick-Fil-A has announced its decision to donate half of its employees’ hourly wages to the Family Equality Council and The Trevor Project beginning Jan 10, 2022. “We’ll be donating half of each employee’s hourly wage to this cause. That’s $3.75 an hour!” said Andrew Cathy, CEO, whose 2020 tax return showed that he personally donated $4.8 million to conversion therapy programs. “We’re happy to use our employees’ money to get good press.” At press time, Cathy was reportedly considering a proposal to fire all Black employees in order to donate their wages to the NAACP.
About Gillian Smith
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Flavius Octavius Julius Gaius Septimius, known colloquially as "Gillian the Great," is the 71st emperor of Rome. Her notable achievements include winning the 2021 Maryland BOGGLE state championship and not being assassinated yet.