BREAKING: Y/N Sold To Harry Styles

WATTPAD — Y/N was recently sold to Harry Styles to pay for your mother’s drug debt. “I was throwing my long brown hair in a messy bun whe’n my mom yelled to pack my shit nd leave” you said, your blue orbs filling with watery tears and cascading down you’re cheek. “then I opened the door and omg it was HARRY STYLES. I am no ones property but i would be his !!! “. (AN: if u don’t know who Harry Stiles is get da hell out of here!) At press time Y/N was seen in the front row of a 1D consert locking eyes with your fav band member.

About Ammi Lane-Volz 20 Articles
Ammi Lane-Volz has a rock in their shoe. Hey, guys, wait-- guys, stop walking so they can get this rock out of their shoe.