Biden Makes Crucial Mistake In Pardoning Turkey, Accidentally Pardons Human Son

WASHINGTON D.C. — In a stunning turn of events, President Joe Biden has officially pardoned his son Hunter Biden from a series of federal tax offenses and gun charges after repeatedly stating that he would not do so – an act White House officials claim to be a simple misunderstanding. “I thought he was the uhhh…uhhh…Thanksgiving chicken…uhhh,” remarked the president upon questioning, as his beautiful blue eyes disassociated into a 1000-yard stare. “And for the record – dodging taxes, doing crack, and boning hookers is cool as fuck.” At press time, President Biden and American democracy were seen simultaneously disintegrating into a fine powder. 

About Lincoln Melcher 4 Articles
Lincoln Melcher, third-year political science major, is primarily known for his boyish charm and dashing good looks — as well as his 13-episode arc on the massively successful Disney Channel show ‘Bunk’d’ as a 12-year-old. However, it is also true that his enormous brain happens to produce some of the best satire articles literally ever. He is also incredibly humble and down-to-earth.