WESTWOOD – Chancellor Gene D. Block, Benevolent Overlord of UCLA, has graciously offered one hour of His precious time to students on Monday, May 18. Glorious Leader Block will divide His hour between six students, giving each peasant an entire ten minutes to discuss any matter of his or her whimsy with Chancellor Block.
“It’s really a great opportunity,” said peasant Jane Miller, 3rd year philosophy student. “This way, if my name is selected from the random drawing, I have the chance to see Chancellor Block’s face in person and ask Him if anyone knows the name of the cat who lives outside of Powell.”
“It’s so rare for us to get the chance to speak with Him,” agreed pissant Michael Houndsin. “I hope to discuss with Him issues such as divestment, the results of the USAC elections, and financing scholarships for underrepresented students. I’m sure that we can tackle all of these and come to reasonable conclusions together in a ten minute timespan.”
Want to join in on the discussion? Tweet @WestwoodEnabler with #BlockParty.